Call for Technical Papers, Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012) theme is “Connect , Collaborate, Communicate”. The program will feature major symposia, tutorials, panel discussions and workshops. IEEE ICC 2012 is the flagship conference of IEEE Communications Society, which is to be held in Ottawa during 10 – 15 June 2012. We invite you to submit your original technical papers, industry forum, workshop, and tutorial proposals to this event.
Click here for the Call For Papers & Proposals in pdf format or click on the image below.
To submit your paper, please click here for Initial Paper Submission.

ICC 2012 Call for Papers & Proposals
Important Dates !!

Workshop Proposal: 16 May 2011 extended to 31 July 2011
Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: 15 August 2011
Tutorial Proposal: 6 September 2011

Paper Submission: 6 September 2011
Accept. Notification: 9 January 2012
Camera-Ready Paper: 10 February 2012

Complete information

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